[FNS-31] FusionAnalytics 2.0.x Release Notes

FusionAnalytics Rev. 2.0.8

Release Notes

Status: 03/Dez/2018

Welcome to FusionAnalytics !
We appreciate your feedback. Please use the web form or send mail to:

support at fusion-analytics.com

These Release Notes describe what is contained in this release, provide
late-breaking news, and list additional documentation for the software.
For additional information on FusionAnalytics, please visit our website at:


The help for this product is now online, where it can be constantly updated
and refreshed. You can find it here:


For known issues and further support, please see the following web pages:





Key Issue Summary
FN2516 Improvement Support connections to SQLServer using TLSv1.2



Key Issue Summary
FN2500 Improvement Make the DateTime format used in APML files configurable from the UI
FN2504 Improvement Update Flex configuration to support IE11 (Trident)
FN2505 Improvement Allow applications to be reset
FN2507 Improvement Update embedded Tomcat server
FN2508 Improvement Process optional UserAgent data in request log files
FN2509 Improvement Update Setup to latest install4j version
FN2510 Improvement Update bundled JVM
FN2506 Bug Fix validation of application names


Key Issue Summary
FN2497 Improvement Update bundled JVM
FN2496 Bug Truncate AMF data on demand
FN2493 Bug Broken link in TAP report


Key Issue Summary
FN2483 Improvement Poor performance when retrieving JDBC data for a request
FN2484 Improvement Make update request status task multi-threaded
FN2486 Improvement Update bundled JVM
FN2487 Improvement Make the quantizer batch size configurable
FN2488 Improvement Upgrade Apache Derby library from to
FN2480 Bug Request details takes several minutes to open
FN2482 Bug Web or AIR Client connections can’t subscribe to the flex communication stream
FN2485 Bug OOM when quantizing large DBPoolStats table


Key Issue Summary
FN2471 Improvement Update bundled JVM to latest version
FN2473 Improvement SMTP settings should allow a username containing “@” character
FN2469 Bug High CPU access on start-up (Concurrent access of WeakHashMap)
FN2470 Bug Cluster configuration page generates an NPE
FN2472 Bug Click to copy to clipboard does not work
FN2474 Bug Console windows shows error for missing .js file
FN2476 Bug Unexpected start of data import
FN2477 Bug Upgrade of DCML app takes a long time and no feedback is provided
FN2478 Bug Faulty word wrap in Menu Links
FN2479 Bug FileNotFoundExceptions in FADC log after application upgrade


Key Issue Summary
FN2460 Bug Data Volume Management: Incorrect syntax near ‘smartDelete’
FN2461 Bug Daily Status Report – System Load Statistics section not being displayed
FN2463 Bug Daily Status Report – Cluster Performance Charts are showing data points for each individual server.
FN2465 Bug TAP report configuration defaults to not using sessions – should default to use sessions


Key Issue Summary
FN2448 Improvement Update JRE to version 1.7.0_15
FN2449 Improvement Update Tomcat to version 6.0.36
FN2446 Bug TAP report is pulling the wrong data from DB due to clash between Server and Cluster IDs
FN2457 Bug Generating previous report data through use of provider arguments fails


Key Issue Summary
FN2432 Bug SLA Report displays for 2 days and doubles threshold amounts
FN2433 Bug Requests Restart Coverage perspective throwing ClassCastException


Key Issue Summary
FN936 New Feature Cluster Application
FN2349 New Feature Include support for TAP /SLA / Daily Status and clusters
FN2352 New Feature Adding support for stacked area graphs in Flex/AMPL
FN2360 New Feature Adding Manage Applications for clusters
FN2372 New Feature Charts should handle dynamic series
FN2409 New Feature Right-click menu option to list all requests (for reports containing aggregate URLs / framework keys)
FN2410 New Feature Request breakdown report for any collection of requests (and trigger report on right-click menu of aggregate rows)
FN2420 New Feature New Report: Common pages executing at point of CF restart
FN2217 Improvement Upgrade JVM to latest version
FN2269 Improvement FA should list import configuration settings in the logs on startup
FN2281 Improvement Upgrade MS JDBC driver to latest version
FN2290 Improvement FA Performance on Amazon EC2 is unreliable and slow
FN2299 Improvement Revise cron settings of jobs
FN2302 Improvement Added a message to the HTTP 503 return code when a file is rejected
FN2306 Improvement TAP Report: Grade (eg “B”) is misleading when a server contains an application with no sessions
FN2310 Improvement Overview page -> Server Summary section should have a summary / total row
FN2315 Improvement Enhance APML/groovy documentation for FADS
FN2326 Improvement Add “starts with” as a request parameter filter
FN2353 Improvement Improving functionality of layout managers
FN2355 Improvement DVM jobs reports negative number of deleted rows
FN2366 Improvement Improve how clusters query the database
FN2367 Improvement Changing existing individual server perspectives to have latest changes
FN2369 Improvement Archived files appears to archive 1 file at a time and generates lots of log entries that are not useful
FN2371 Improvement Query Optimization
FN2374 Improvement Add support for applications to SLA report
FN2375 Improvement Remove server name from queries and use Java logic to add the name
FN2379 Improvement Optimize Data Volume Management job
FN2392 Improvement Improving Functionality of QueryBuilder
FN2399 Improvement Implement new Indices
FN2402 Improvement Merge Update Indexes and Stats with Data Volume Management
FN2404 Improvement Improve Documentation for FADS perspectives
FN2406 Improvement Embedded Derby DB should have an index to speed up selection of next imports
FN2407 Improvement Change the Tomcat shutdown port from 8005 to a non default number
FN2419 Improvement APML->Requests Not Completed Execution Time
FN2303 Bug Report view shows dates in European format (regardless of server or client timezone)
FN2305 Bug TAP Report: Needs to account for jsessionid AND/OR cfid/cftoken
FN2328 Bug ‘desc’ keyword is reserved by SQL Server but unknown to FADC.
FN2329 Bug Select series drop down box – cuts down the graph annotation names when the annotation text is short
FN2335 Bug When there are no users added to report, data is not generated for SLA Report
FN2356 Bug Archived Logfiles Management job does not stop when trigger has been reconfigured to fire more often
FN2357 Bug Within CF DB Pool Stats perspective, when trying to update the timeline, series are not updated properly
FN2359 Bug FADS graphs – series names/labels are taking up a lot of space
FN2361 Bug Reports(TAP,Daily Status, SLA) fail with NPE: cannot invoke method deserialize() on null object
FN2362 Bug FA new install port number text box bug
FN2363 Bug Error message flashes when log-in into FADS
FN2365 Bug In Report emails, tab corners are not showing correctly
FN2368 Bug OutOfMemoryError in logs
FN2370 Bug License is lost when OutOfMemoryError occurs
FN2373 Bug PieChartRenderer seems to be calling the DataProvider.groovy twice
FN2376 Bug Resource Quantizer exception
FN2380 Bug FADC rejects compressed data sent from FR
FN2382 Bug Application Summary page – change ‘Install License’ button to ‘Activate License’ when license activation is lost
FN2384 Bug FADS ‘Install License’ button should be changed to ‘License Options’ same as FADC
FN2387 Bug Data is displayed in Memory Spaces when all series are deselected
FN2388 Bug Windows start menu entry to online documentation is not updated when updating a previous version of FusionAnalytics
FN2390 Bug Request Param Filter bug – MultiComboBox component ‘editableName = true’
FN2391 Bug Request Param – App.jsp needs validation for input fields
FN2394 Bug install4j will corrupt FA when updating or uninstalling when FA is running in a console
FN2397 Bug No FTP license granted on first installation
FN2398 Bug Application filters are chained with an AND statement instead of and OR statement
FN2400 Bug When graph has more than one series, the context menu items (from right click) are loaded with the wrong times (and the wrong server for cluster graphs)
FN2405 Bug Installer can hang when using a DB that already contains data with the application configured during the setup
FN2411 Bug Cannot upgrade DCML 1.0.5 to 1.0.10 with MS SQL Express
FN2412 Bug DVM job – deleteFromRequest method calculates rows per second incorrectly
FN2413 Bug deleteFromRequest method in DVM job has wrong queries for deleting data from REQUEST_PARAM and REQUEST_AMF
FN2414 Bug FADC application details become unavailable when SQL Server is busy
FN2415 Bug MaxApplications licence constraint is reset with server restarts
FN2416 Bug HTTP 404 when logging out from FADS
FN2421 Bug Invalid order of columns in table CRASHPROTECTION

Issue Details

Type: Technote
Issue Number: FNS-31
Components: Setup
Last Updated: 3 minutes ago
Affects Version:
Fixed Version: 2.0.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.3, 2.0.4, 2.0.6, 2.0.7, 2.0.8
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